SNEHA combines the power of more than a million members and online activists with the expertise of some 100 lawyers, scientists, and policy advocates to secure the rights of all people to clean air, clean water, and healthy communities. We’ve been doing it since 1990, with a powerful track record of success. Here’s our secret formula for effectiveness.


Securing investments that strengthen communities through constructive, collaborative, and innovative engagements with our partners has always been our topmost agenda. Over the years, CARE India has partnered with influential institutions in both the public and private sectors to maximize the impact and influence of its projects and programmes across the country. These partnerships not only provide us financial support but also help us in running our programmes more effectively and efficiently. Increasingly, organizations have also been recognizing the importance of value creation through social interventions along with business efforts. SNEHA has been the partner of choice for multiple government organizations and social and economic institutions to extend their humanitarian efforts and make a difference in society.


Some of the smartest minds in the business world put their economic expertise to work on ways to spur global prosperity while improving our environment and communities. We pioneer strategies to make buildings more efficient, improve green infrastructure, and encourage manufacturers to clean up the fashion industry. Our advocates push for local, state, and national policies that expand markets for environmentally sustainable products and services.


Creating blueprints for lasting environmental change isn’t enough. We have to persuade decision makers to adopt those innovative solutions, so SNEHA’s advocates work at every level, from mayors’ offices to the halls of Congress to international negotiating tables. Our successful track record means those decision makers listen to our advice, and when they need an extra push, we mobilize strategic coalitions and the grassroots power of millions of citizen activists to urge elected officials to put the public interest ahead of polluting industries.