SNEHA has been implementing the disaster mitigation activities in the sea cost region in Krishna district. Organized many training programmes for the fishermen and dalith communities on Preparedness activities. Implemented 23 CMP,s(Community Micro Projects) for the fishermen and daliths in 20 villages in Krishna Dt. under Tsunami response programme. Organized relief camps and distributed relief material for the cyclone and flood effected communities in coastal mandals. Organized rehabilitation programmes like income generation activities for the sustenance of the people.

Support: CARE India, HABITAT

SNEHA Organization has been active on the ground early, to help deal with the Coronavirus pandemic situation. We have established a Non-Medical helplines in different areas.

SNEHA is always in need of volunteers for various tasks. There are different roles you can take while volunteering for SNEHA. Change someone's life today. Become a Volunteer