Formed and capacitated 215 women groups in Krishna District. SNEHA acted as Nodal agency for Gudivada division to provide trainings to all the formed SHGs in 9 mandals. Established village level SHG federations in more than 40 villages.
Established Child safety Network centers in 15 villages to protect the children and to improve the education standards. Established Child Protection Committees (CPC’s) in all
the villages and in the municipal slums of Gudivada with children as the members. Established Community Visulence Groups (CVG’s).in the urban slums and in villages to prevent the child trafficking. Capacitated these groups on how to tackle the situations at the time of trafficking and child abuse.
Support : GD asia, Navajeevan Bala Bhavan and Local.

SNEHA Organization has been active on the ground early, to help deal with the Coronavirus pandemic situation. We have established a Non-Medical helplines in different areas.

SNEHA is always in need of volunteers for various tasks. There are different roles you can take while volunteering for SNEHA. Change someone's life today. Become a Volunteer